As a great admirer of Monet, Miho Endo has painted in museums and by the Seine since her school days. She became interested in painting works that combine the beauty and healing of the West and the East. Miho says “In the West, there is a demand for ‘perfection’ in art, whereas in the East we find beauty in imperfection and respect fragility.”
In order to express a sense of healing and softness in her work, she does not use a brush, but paint directly onto the canvas, using cotton and her fingers. She is conscious of the placement and touch of the colors, which are close to the “1/f fluctuation” , the wavelength of healing.
She said “I hope that my work will help people to accept themselves as they are, to forgive and to share in the healing process.”
“Her paintings are so beautiful, gentle and moving. I hope she will share her healing paintings with the world through her own style”
(Masaaki Miyasako, Professor Emeritus, Tokyo University of the Arts)
・August 2021: FOCUS ON COLOUR OF LIFE at the Saatchi Gallery, London, U.K
・September 2021:“FOCUS ON COLOUR OF EMOTION” at The Fitzrovia Gallery, London, U.K
・October 2021: Exhibition at the Carrousel du Louvre, Paris,France